Turkey Hunters Care Program
Provides Thanksgiving Meals for Local Families
November 25th, 2024
For the 19th year, the Huachuca Gould’s Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) and partners provided the main course for Thanksgiving dinners in southern Cochise County through the Turkey Hunters Care program.
On November 18th and 25th, six NWTF volunteers delivered 320 frozen turkeys weighing in at just over 4,500 pounds total to eleven local charities and organizations as well as selected families. Participating in the program were Benson Food Bank, Whetstone Cowboy Church, Whetstone Fire Department, Southern Arizona Humanitarian Aid Resource Alliance (SAHARA), Our Lady of the Mountains Church-St. Vincent de Paul, Hoop’s House, Salvation Army, Peach’s Pantry (Chiricahua Health Care), St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church, Forgach House, and Thunder Mountain Church.
The Huachuca Gould’s Chapter’s effort is part of the nation-wide NWTF Turkey Hunters Care program. This endeavor provides Thanksgiving turkeys to families in need through supporting local organizations.
Wayne Kaiser, Chapter Treasurer, purchased and helped deliver the turkeys, secured donations and a grant and coordinated with each receiving charity. Tom Fuller, Dave Kemnitz, John Millican, and Tom Deecken assisted with deliveries.
Special thanks go to the following donors for their financial support:
Benson Wal-Mart ~ Patricia Harmon ~ Dave Kemnitz ~ Tim Doser State Farm Insurance
~ Tom/Joey Fuller ~ Scott Borgstad ~ Scott/Joan Vasey ~ Gilbert Fuentes ~ Pioneer Title
Shon Hodges ~ Mike Ebright ~ Robert Frankenfield ~ Kelly Fleming ~ Jason Saline ~ Martin Jones
Whetstone Cowboy Church ~ Jessica Vannoy ~ Sierra Vista Firefighters Charites ~ Sue Ann Vannoy
Steve Trist ~ Tom Deecken ~ Charlie Hecox/Renee' Chambers
Benson Wal-Mart ~ Patricia Harmon ~ Dave Kemnitz ~ Tim Doser State Farm Insurance
~ Tom/Joey Fuller ~ Scott Borgstad ~ Scott/Joan Vasey ~ Gilbert Fuentes ~ Pioneer Title
Shon Hodges ~ Mike Ebright ~ Robert Frankenfield ~ Kelly Fleming ~ Jason Saline ~ Martin Jones
Whetstone Cowboy Church ~ Jessica Vannoy ~ Sierra Vista Firefighters Charites ~ Sue Ann Vannoy
Steve Trist ~ Tom Deecken ~ Charlie Hecox/Renee' Chambers
Special recognition goes to Benson Walmart Store No. 3807. Their grant and reduced prices helped put birds on Thanksgiving tables. Assistance by the store’s employees in loading 320 birds for delivery was greatly appreciated as well.
Over the past 5 years, the Huachuca Gould’s Chapter has distributed 1.586 birds weighing in at 24,110 pounds (over 12 tons!) through Turkey Hunters Care. The Chapter is pleased to participate in such a worthwhile program!
Happy Holidays to all!
Over the past 5 years, the Huachuca Gould’s Chapter has distributed 1.586 birds weighing in at 24,110 pounds (over 12 tons!) through Turkey Hunters Care. The Chapter is pleased to participate in such a worthwhile program!
Happy Holidays to all!
2024 Turkey Hunter Care Donation Letter
Thank you for your interest in helping the Huachuca Gould’s Chapter with our 2024 Turkey Hunter’s Care Program! Please assist us in helping those in need through a generous donation!
Over the past 13 years, during Thanksgiving, the Huachuca Gould’s Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation has purchased and donated frozen turkeys through the Turkey Hunter’s Care program to local disadvantaged families, which to date has averaged nearly 300 turkeys per year. In 2023, we delivered 325 turkeys weighing 4,850 pounds to 10 organizations, local charities and selected families from Benson south to Bisbee. This is possible through generous community support, along with the $500 yearly donation from the Huachuca Gould’s Chapter.
During these critical times, it is more urgent than ever to support those in need. We are asking for your help in meeting the demand this Thanksgiving by providing a monetary donation so that we can equal or increase the number of turkeys purchased. A $10 donation will purchase one frozen turkey, providing approximately 6 meals.
The deadline to donate is November 11, 2024. The Huachuca Gould’s Chapter is a 501 (c)3 organization, tax ID number #57-056-4993, making your donation tax deductible.
Donations can be made by contacting John Millican, HGC President at 520-508-4272, or Wayne Kaiser, HGC Treasurer at 520-678-9827. You may also mail a donation by check to Huachuca Gould’s Chapter, P.O. Box 1257, Hereford AZ 85615.
Thank you. Wishing you and your family health and safety.
John Millican, President
Huachuca Gould’s Chapter