Acquiring, Knowledge,
Ethics, and Sportsmanship
It is that time again!!!!!
2024 J.A.K.E.S. Event
1 June at Parker Canyon Lake and Marina
Registration form is located at the bottom of page!!!!!
Huachuca Gould’s Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) would like to invite children 8-17 years old and their parents, to attend our annual JAKES event on
1 June at Parker canyon Lake and Marina.
2024 JAKES Event set for 1 June at Parker Canyon Lake Marina
Location: 29.4 miles south of Sonoita AZ on Highway 83
Huachuca Gould’s Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) would like to invite children 8-17 years old and their parents, to attend our annual event on 1 June at Parker Canyon Lake.
This family event is designed to instruct youth in the fundamentals of the outdoors.
This year’ classes will cover basic and safe handling instructions for the following:
*** Basic gun safety and marksmanship using the NWTF BB gun range, Introduction to Kayaks/water safety, Intro to fishing (rod and reel with tackle box will be provided to the first 45 kids that sign up and attend, this is the annual Free Fishing day so no license is required), how to Filet and Fry a Catfish. ***
Registration will start at 0800 hours at Parker Canyon Lake in front of the Marina with classes starting at about 0900 hrs. Lunch will be provided, and water will be available at each station. Parents or guardians are required to attend the event and will receive a free lunch with their children. We do ask that everyone bring their own hat, chair, and sunscreen. The cost of this event is FREE (except that Parking is $8.00 for the US Forest Service, cash or credit card). Pre-registration is required, and deadline is 22 May. All children registered will receive a one-year JAKES membership with NWTF. This event will be limited to the first 45 children that sign up. If you sign up and cannot attend, please let us know so that we can open up a slot to other participants. To pre-register or if you have any questions go to the website at: www.nwtfhuagoulds.org or please contact one of the following:
David Kemnitz (678) 520-4287 [email protected]
Wayne Kaiser (520) 678-9827 [email protected]
John Millican (520) 508-4272 [email protected]
Registration for the 2024 JAKES Event is required and will be held to the first 45 Children!
Due to drought conditions, a forest closure could prevent holding this event. If so, registered youth and families will be notified prior to event.