Turkey Sighting and Credits
If you are out and about and can catch a snapshot of Goulds Turkeys please send them along and I will post them on this page for all to enjoy.
Please send a time and date (location if you want) to Joey Fuller at [email protected]
Please send a time and date (location if you want) to Joey Fuller at [email protected]
This place is reserved for the next great turkey sighting... and it could be from you! :)
This gobbler and hen were at the Santa Rita Lodge in Madeira Canyon (Santa Rita Mtns.) last Thursday (16Jan20).
The Bobcat was seen late in the afternoon the same day in Las Cienegas NCA/Empire Ranch of the Sonoita Grasslands.
The Bobcat was seen late in the afternoon the same day in Las Cienegas NCA/Empire Ranch of the Sonoita Grasslands.
Another Turkey Sighting ... thanks from the HGC

Email from:
Timothy M. Hodges,
Battalion Maintenance Officer, 2d Battalion, 13th Aviation Regiment on Ft Huachuca.
I have a Gould's Turkey photo that I would like to submit to the chapter as being representative of our area. Mr Jerry Clark took it in the Huachuca's this spring. It could be the chapter flyer photo.
What do you think?
Timothy M. Hodges,
Battalion Maintenance Officer, 2d Battalion, 13th Aviation Regiment on Ft Huachuca.
I have a Gould's Turkey photo that I would like to submit to the chapter as being representative of our area. Mr Jerry Clark took it in the Huachuca's this spring. It could be the chapter flyer photo.
What do you think?
Turkey loafing area - and other activities...
(photos taken April 13, 2013)

25 birds?
Three jakes have been following this tom around this entire period. He is still strutting but there are now only 2 to 5 hens around him each day. A winter flock has been here every day since early October, 2012. (One day we had 40 birds.)
The only time birds were absent was for a 10 day period during first part of January, 2013, when morning lows were down to 5 deg. and there was 2 to 3 inches of ice on pond. I don't know where they went. Last month, another mature tom showed up, but he was here for only 3 days - slightly larger, beard slightly longer but no spurs.
Flock membership seems very fluid as there are hens that show up some days and are very wary - obviously, they had never been here. The Hale's say they have occasional groups show up in Harshaw, but never more than 8 birds. Turkey scratching keeps the yard raked. Thanks to Jon Coppa for the story and updated photos.
The only time birds were absent was for a 10 day period during first part of January, 2013, when morning lows were down to 5 deg. and there was 2 to 3 inches of ice on pond. I don't know where they went. Last month, another mature tom showed up, but he was here for only 3 days - slightly larger, beard slightly longer but no spurs.
Flock membership seems very fluid as there are hens that show up some days and are very wary - obviously, they had never been here. The Hale's say they have occasional groups show up in Harshaw, but never more than 8 birds. Turkey scratching keeps the yard raked. Thanks to Jon Coppa for the story and updated photos.
Gould's breeding season has started....

Breeding season for the Gould's turkeys is here. Today, three more gobblers joined the permanent trio we have had for the last three months. We now have four strutting toms and two noisy, non-strutting jakes. Still have 19 hens.
The stud gobbler is in full strut and has a 6 to 7 inch beard. Fascinating to see his head turn deeper blue and his usually bright red snood and caruncles blanch to almost pure white when he is in full arousal. The hens very slowly became receptive during the day and the stud tom bred the first hen of the season at dusk as they were heading out of the yard toward their roosting site.
I will try to get telephoto images tomorrow. This nice photo is one that Linda took today from the house with her iPhone. The strutting gobblers never left the shade of the large oak trees. They appeared to set up their "court of love" similar to Robin Williams' Rock Penguin character "Lovelace" on Happy Feet. Thanks to Jon Coppa (Email dated 8 April 2013)
The stud gobbler is in full strut and has a 6 to 7 inch beard. Fascinating to see his head turn deeper blue and his usually bright red snood and caruncles blanch to almost pure white when he is in full arousal. The hens very slowly became receptive during the day and the stud tom bred the first hen of the season at dusk as they were heading out of the yard toward their roosting site.
I will try to get telephoto images tomorrow. This nice photo is one that Linda took today from the house with her iPhone. The strutting gobblers never left the shade of the large oak trees. They appeared to set up their "court of love" similar to Robin Williams' Rock Penguin character "Lovelace" on Happy Feet. Thanks to Jon Coppa (Email dated 8 April 2013)
Photos below were taken on 2 February 13 on the way home from the Annual White Tail Club's Banquet...... these were all Jakes and Toms as we could see, the beards are so long!
Ft Huachuca Burger King Turkeys; these photos were taken while sitting in the drive thru lane on 14 Jan 13
Thanks goes out to a long time NWTF supporter
Story and photos by Jon Coppa
Thanks again Jon.... really love the poults